We have developed a new technique for probing bulk three-dimensional electronic structures and Fermi surfaces by using hν-dependent high-energy soft x-ray angle-resolve photoemission, which has been applied for a strongly correlated ferromagnet CeRu2Ge2 in the paramagnetic phase at a "high" temperature of 20 K. A clear difference of the Fermi surface topology from either band-structure calculation or de Haas-van Alphen results in the ferromagnetic phase is observed and interpreted by considering the difference of the 4f contribution to the Fermi surfaces in the paramegnetic phase.
Angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) is known as a powerful tool to simultaneously detect the electronic dispersions (relations between the electron momentum and energy, namely, electronic structures) and the Fermi surfaces [1]. However, conventional low-excitation energy (hν ≲ 120 eV) ARPES mainly reflects the surface electronic states, which are often noticeably deviated from the bulk states for strongly correlated materials. Since the bulk electronic structures are responsible for the physical properties in solids, a technique for probing the bulk electronic structures is very important for studying solids. In order to overcome the surface sensitivity, high-excitation energy photoemission is promising due to the longer photoelectron escape depth [2] as shown in Fig. 1. Indeed, we have so far measured surface-sensitive low-energy and bulk-sensitive high-energy angle-integrated photoemission spectra reflecting the electron density of states in the solids for strongly correlated transition metal oxides Sr1-xCaxVO3 (Fig. 2), demonstrating the qualitative differences in the electronic states between the bulk and surface [3]. Here we show that the power of high-energy ARPES applied for a Ce-based strongly correlated material to clarify the bulk three-dimensional electronic structures and the Fermi surfaces.
Figure 5 shows the high-energy ARPES spectra (EDCs) of CeRu2Ge2 in the paramagnetic phase. We can recognize that the energy positions of many peaks and shoulders in the spectra are changed depending on momentum. These peak energies as a function of momentum reflect the electronic dispersions. In addition, these structures change three-dimensionally in the momentum space, which is indication of the bulk electronic dispersions since the surface electrons are expected not to disperse along the pz direction in Fig. 5(b). From the ARPES measurements, we have obtained the cross-sections of the Fermi surfaces for CeRu2Ge2 at the high temperature (20 K) along the [110] and [001] planes including the Z (0,0,h/c) point in the momentum space as shown in Fig. 6. From these cross-sections, small and large ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces centered at the Z point, and small cylinder-like Fermi surfaces centered at the X (h/(2a),h/(2a),0), point are expected. Based on the high-energy ARPES results displayed here, we can obtain the qualitative shapes of the three-dimensional Fermi surfaces for CeRu2Ge2 in the paramagnetic phase as shown in Fig. 7. Although the ellipsoidal Fermi surfaces are similar to those in the magnetic phase [8] and in a theoretical result based on a localized 4f model [9], it is found that the cylinder Fermi surfaces are qualitatively different from those in the different phase and in the theoretical result.
We have developed the new technique for probing bulk three-dimensional electronic dispersions (structures) and Fermi surfaces by using high-energy APRES, which has been applied for the strongly correlated electron system CeRu2Ge2. To date, such quantum oscillation measurements as observation of de Haas-van Alphen effect are known as powerful tools to investigate the Fermi surfaces in solids although they require low temperatures as several K and almost detect-free high-quality stoichiometric single crystals. The high-energy ARPES can be applicable also for non-stoichiometric doped materials such as high-temperature superconductors even at high temperatures. We are convinced that the high-energy ARPES will become another complementary and powerful technique for probing the bulk Fermi surfaces in solids in near future.
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